4 Reasons Why You Need Enough Lighting In Your Interior Design (07.14.2020)

Lighting is one of the most essential details in interior design as it creates the whole aesthetic appeal itself. Both the environment, decors and color management will look incomplete without enough lighting. That's why you must take every detail of lighting into account from the very beginning of any design project. In this blog we’ve highlighted 4 reasons that make lighting matter in interior design.

Lighting affects the space

Of course, you can always obtain some artificial lighting but natural light should be used at the earliest opportunity. If the room position does not support enough lighting try using lamps on the walls, ceiling or in the corners (they will also be great decors for your interior). It helps to visually expand the space as well.

Sometimes having too much furniture in a single room affects lighting negatively. In fact, it’s a wrong approach itself from the aspect of interior design. You don’t need to pile up the chairs, sofa and tables. Instead, arrange your furniture the way it makes the environment smooth, spacy and bright. Regardless of everything, natural lighting is irreplaceable. It shows every decor and color way more clear.

Lighting is first a necessity

So we’ve already mentioned that any interior design is imperfect without lighting. But lighting is not only important for its general look but also for its functions. First, you must highlight the environment you are talking about. For example, office areas require proper lighting as it also affects the working process. If you are about to use devices for artificial lighting choose the best position to install them. If you put them on the walls the room will look wider.

Lighting must have its direction

If you research about interior design you will find a term such as “positional lighting“. It’s when lighting devices are installed in a certain order, one after another. Applying positional lighting also helps highlight all your decors and their colors. If you put lamps on your ceiling one after the other you will have proportional lighting in the room. In this way all your furniture and interior decors will be way more visible. This can also help create vertical rays of light between the floor and the ceiling.

Lighting affects the color

Light can strengthen or weaken the shades of a color. The change of color shades is usually called color temperature. When it comes to residential and commercial areas, light usage faces some limitations. For example, soft white light shade is more preferable to use at home while bright white is more comfortable for office areas. And that’s why it contains some shades of blue which makes it suit desks and office areas.

Light support is so important in interior design that there are also light designers-people specialized in lighting. While in the process of architectural formation, they take every detail related to the reflection of light into account to distribute the light in the area as accurately as possible. If you face problems with lighting in your interior design you had better discuss it with a professional designer to avoid further difficulties.