
3D Walls You Need For Your Bathroom

You probably sing in the bathroom or are even a shower performer.
Shower-performing is a common thing to do. Based on biochemical, psychological, and acoustic circumstances, it creates the perfect atmosphere for less-than-perfect singing.


8 additional benefits of moldings

“Beauty is in simplicity” is a phrase You have definitely heard a lot. A vast majority agrees and chooses a minimalistic style almost everywhere. We tend to minimalism in choosing our clothes, creating content for our Instagram pages, and of course, around us, for the environment, we live in or find ourselves a lot.


Design Line: a big breakthrough for designers

It is human nature to create something of their own, something unusual, beyond reality but existing in fantasy.
And Design Line is the unusual collection of those creations.


Bas-relief in interior design

A bas-relief on the wall is an image protruding above the plane, designed to decorate a residential or commercial interior. Not so long ago, such decor was distinguished by pretentiousness and was used only to decorate locations in a classical or imperial manner.


Panda Hookah Lounge

The previous Panda Hookah is not only a hookah place now! And here is how the designers of Futuris Architects studio fulfilled the design concept.


Multifunctional Downtown: a concept based on the IT sphere

Events, fun, hangouts, and a working environment for the employees of one of the largest IT companies in Armenia. Here is how Downtown Multipurpose Space by Imageman Studio was born.


Features of Volumetric Finishes

Personalization of the interior is an absolute trend of recent years, requiring a more careful attitude to the design of living space. Modern 3D wall panels are the best suited for creating an author's entourage that expresses the taste and preferences of the property owner.


Wall panels for interior decoration - the best clothes for your walls

Wall panels for interior wall decoration are a versatile option for decorating a residential or commercial space, elevating the status of renovation to a whole new level.


Wall Deco, Music and Interior: Make it Superior

For now, turn on Your favorite music and enjoy our blog, because there is nothing in the world that cannot be accompanied with music and, in this case, Wall Deco is not an exception.



How to install 3D gypsum panels correctly The result of a reconstruction is based on several essential factors. The initial is the installation of product and materials one has . . .


Loft Design Ideas

What is loft? Where is this term in our vocabulary from? Today we are going to talk around this topic. Loft style: from abandoned factories to modern urban apartments . . .


5 ways to decorate the walls of your living room

You’ll probably agree that the living room is the most important part of your house. That’s why you need to pay special attention to its decoration. Trends in modern interior . . .


10 interior design secrets everyone should know

There are so many spoken and unspoken rules in interior design. If you want to make better and right to the point decisions in the process of interior design decoration . . .


4 reasons why you need enough lighting in your interior design

Lighting is one of the most essential details in interior design as it creates the whole aesthetic appeal itself. Both the environment, decors and color management will look . . .


Why is coloring so important in residential areas?

Choosing the right color is one of the most essential elements of interior design and it’s not an easy process. Colors affect our mood and emotions changing the overall . . .


What is a 3D panel and how to choose them wisely?

You probably think about making innovative changes to your interior quite often. Then hurry up to get 3D panels as the best solution for your problem . . .


The most common mistakes in interior design

You may think decorating your interior is an easy task but in fact it’s not. Especially nowadays it’s way harder to make a final decision as there is a huge diversity . . .